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Continuing the adventure is one of the best moves you can make and Poseidon can help move you further along to the level you are comfortable with. We can help you achieve the pinnacle of the non professional levels as a Master Scuba Diver, move into professional as a Divemaster, Instructor or even further as a Staff Instructor. Whatever you want to achieve we can help, and we have the experience, qualifications and ability to do this better than others. We will coach you through your further education and ensure you get the best training possible to keep you safe, increase your knowledge, and keep you wanting to dive.
If you are a certified diver and it’s been some time since your last dive, then a refresh of your skills and knowledge is a really good idea. It doesn’t take up much time and it is well worth polishing up on your skills. We’ll start with basic theory and a quick quiz that reminds you of some of the important rules that we need to follow when scuba diving.
This exciting program spread over 2 days includes a total of five adventure dives - you must include Deep and Navigation, but beyond that the choice is yours from this list: Boat Diver, Multilevel Diver, Night Diver, Peak Performance Buoyancy, Search and Recovery, Underwater Naturalist
The Adventure Diver program, like the Scuba Diver is for people who don’t have the time for Advanced Open Water. The course consists of 3 dives carried out in one day from the list above instead of 5, and if in the future you want to earn Advanced Open Water, then you just need to take 2 dives to complete it.
Lots of people take this first aid course to help them achieve Rescue Diver, but as everyone knows these days, this valuable skill is useful in all walks of life. The course is one day and teaches you all the essentials in a coaching and practical way.
The Emergency First Response Care for Children course is a First Aid training course that teaches you how to provide emergency care for injured or ill children (ages one to eight) and infants less than one year old. Participants learn about the types of medical emergencies that children face, and how they differ from adult conditions.
This is a 4 day course where you learn to prevent, or deal with emergency situations through study and practice. We ensure the practice is realistic and of benefit to you, whilst also guaranteeing it is probably one of the most fun courses you will take.
Reach for the top of your sport – the diver level unrivalled in the recreational ranks. This certification denotes that you've reached the highest recreational diver level in the PADI System of diver education. To reach this level you must complete all levels of PADI training including Rescue Diver, EFR, and 5 speciality courses.